No sooner had we set out again from Turgetreis, than the nav system fell over again. Another visit to the marina saw Ahmet restore the system to operation, but without diagnosing exactly what the problem was. While waitng there, friends on a Kiwi yacht came in with problems with their nav system. What is it about the Catalada Channel? So we have continued north with fingers crossed and so far so good. Unfortunately, the delay in Turgetreis saw the meltemi set in quite strongly from the north so we have had an upwind beat all the way which has meant too much tacking and dealing with contrary wind speed and direction and lots of shipping. [We must use canvas power whenever possible to minimize the cost of diesel fuel which is $3/ltr at present.] We came via Kusadasi and Cesme and several lovely sheltered anchorages to Ayvalik where the crew are enjoying some R & R. Our next leg should see us sailing north up the coast to the island of Bozcaada and then transitting the Dardenelles into the sea of Marmara and across to Istanbul.
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