Jack Tar is underway and bound north for Istanbul and the Black Sea. Our new anchor winch is finally in place and has already proven its worth. the Queen of the Forecastle is extatic. We have managed to sail [rather than motor] most of the way to our present location at Turgetreis not far from Bodrum. We have travelled via Simi [a Greek Island] and Bodrum. We are here for an unscheduled stop due to a failure of the navigation system which left us with no gps, speed,depth,wind information or auto pilot. The problem has now been resolved with the assistance of a local electronics ace and was found to be a faulty cockpit display recently purchased in Australia and installed on our return. Unfortunately we lost the system when sailing through a narrow reef strewn channel in a wind gusting to 20 kts with rain. Disconcerting.
1 comment:
WhAt A nIcE bLoG!!! i LiKe WhEn PeOpLe ShArE hIs MeMoRiEs!!!
HoW wAs It?
YoU lOoK liKe yOu'Re LoTs Of FuN!!!
hAvE a NiCe DaY!!!
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