Thursday, July 29, 2010

Northern Adriatic

Jack Tar is now in Trieste, having sailed the beautiful coast of the Istrian peninsula through northern Croatia and Slovenia. At Pula, an industrial city set on a beautiful harbour, John & Cari joined and we had a wonderful time visiting nearby Rovinj and adjacent anchorages before they departed again from Pula. Then we sailed north, indeed with some favourable breezes for a change, and cleared from Croatia at Umag. On to the short coastline of Slovenia, berthing in the old harbour at Piran, an attractive old town. Slovenia impressed, with the countryside being very fertile and covered in lush, green almost tropical trees and growing everthing imaginable; citrus, stone fruit, wonderful vegies etc. And the standard of living and infrastructure equal to any in Europe. But, thunderstorms every evening and now in trieste, the rain has set in. So we await the weather forecast before planning the next phase of our journey along the Italian coast to Venice.

The Roman collossium at Pula adjacent to the marina

Pula`s harbour surrounded by derelict communist era buildings.






Piran, Slovenia



Approaching Trieste

The grand canal, Trieste, all of 500 m long


Sundowners by the grand canal

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