Thursday, October 9, 2014

Arrival in the land of Oz - the end of the downhill run

It was a good though very chilly and sometimes willing passage from Noumea.
After so long in the tropics we found it necessary to dig out all our cold weather gear last used on the east coast USA in the then approaching winter.
We arrived off Caloundra on a sunny morning

and made our way into Moreton Bay avoiding the shipping traffic.

Entering the Brisbane River past Fishermans Island cargo terminal

we made our way up to the Rivergate marina

and berthed at the customs/quarintine dock. The clearance process proved easy and the officials were very friendly and cooperative.

The berth was just below the Gateway bridge.

As soon as the wind allowed we left the river and crossed the bay to an overnight anchorage off Moreton Is.

Next morning we set sail for Mooloolaba

arriving to a very Australian holiday scene.


We berthed at the Mooloolaba marina right in front of the yacht club
and were received by an enthusiastic welcoming committee. This will be our base for some time.
The end of a wonderful, sometimes challenging and always enjoyable adventure.
Who knows what lies next?

Monday, September 15, 2014

To New Caladonia

 We departed Fiji from Vuda Pt; the last view of the delightful bar/restaurant overlooking the channel

Some of the marina staff came to sing farewell.

After a pleasant few days we made it to New Caledonia, entering the Savannah pass on dusk and at the height of the flood tide - 5kts - so were doing 11 kts over the ground.
After dark we found an anchorage in the bay of Prony.
Next morning it was off to Noumea

where we berthed at Port Moselle

next to an unusual NZ built motor yacht.

Noumea is a pleasant town with some attractive old buildings. Unfortunately many of the local inhabitants sit or lie around in various stages of inebriation.

There are many local yachts here and finding a spare visitors berth can be a problem.


The Tjibaou cultural centre

with unusual architecture.

The nearby beaches are nice.
The weather has been cool to cold and a bit wet and not to our liking.
Acclimatising for our return to Oz?
The weather window for the last leg of our Pacific crossing looks good for departure soon and, hopefully, a six day passage should see us in Brisvegas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


After a lovely three day sail from Tonga, through the eastern Lau group of islands, we arrived at
Savu Savu on Vanua Levu, the northern most of the two main Fiji Islands.
We took a mooring in the creek.

Next to a rusty yellow Russian yacht from Murmansk

We were near the bus station



The nearby Copra Shed marina was a delightful spot for a social gathering with other yachties.
Tony Christie joined for a week`s ORE

 Our mooring was owned by Waitui marina, the office housed in this impressive building

Another great market for fresh produce.
The tide went out

A couple of days later we were on the north shore of Viti Levu the main island.

The north side is dry and sheltered from the trade winds.
Then to Vuda Pt marina near Nadi

Surrounded by cane fields. Each morning theyacht is covered in ash from the cane fires.

The bar overlooks the entrance channel through the reef.
Tony departed

Another fresh market in Lautoka

Good spot?
Sue & Jim joined for a week and we sailed to nearby Malolo Lai Lai island and the Musket Cove resort and marina
A lovely place to relax

But the tide went out again

The Princess did relax.


Long walks around the island

The marina pontoon was very conveniently located near the yachties bar

where we whiled away some of the time watching the sun go down.
The annual Musket Cove regatta would take place a week after our departure with boats coming from all over the Pacific for a week of sailing and festivities. Depending on your point of view, a good place to be or not to be.


On return to Vuda Pt we toured by road to Suva
and visited several resorts along the way

Sue & Jim departed

and we took the opportunity to haul out to refresh the anti-foul

The view from the cockpit on the hard

Good reason to haul out.
Now back in the water we await suitable weather for departure for Noumea.