Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Windward Islands

 The blog photo poster has not been working for a while so this update is overdue.
After a few days in Barbados, a brisk overnight sail took us to Rodney Bay, St Lucia.
Friends following the next night had a hard time of it with winds over 40 kts.
These are the two "pitons" on St Lucia as we passed early morning.

In the anchorage in Rodney Bay, Gregory, the fruit and vege seller called

We shifted into the marina
visited the local market in nearby Castries
where the super sexy bar was not all that enticing.
By bus to Soufriere on the south of the island near the pitons.
Soufriere waterfront
Lunch before returning.
The flag lady -  we need a national flag for each of the islands, except those that are French or Dutch
We shifted to the anchorage again and climbed to the top of Pigeon Island
JT in the anchorage at Pigeon Is.
where there was a lovely waterfront restaurant.
Gregory and the fishermen were also there.
We then sailed on north to Matinique, and the beautiful village of Sainte Anne.
Ste Anne
From the anchorage, where there were about 120 yachts anchored when we arrived.
Nearby sporting activity
The walk to Club Med
The cemetery occupied the best real estate
and the locals sold home made coconut ice cream.

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