With our new crew Jack Tar has sailed on the Turkish coast in the two gulfs south of Bodrum, visiting anchorages and securing to the jetties provided by seaside restaurants. First up, Cokertme and then on to Sogut at the head of Gokova gulf where the berth was in a beautful landlocked bay. Then on via islands where Cleopatra had sand shipped from North Africa so that Mark Anthony could swim over it, to English Harbour where the British SBS operated during WW2. Then on to ancient Knidos where we once again visited the amazing ruins before the wind blew up during the night causing chaos in the harbour. Fortunately Jack Tar was well secured and escaped unscathed. From Knidos the wind continued to blow unusually from the east and we abandoned plans to visit Datca and sought shelter in a lovely anchorage by a monastery at Panormitis on the west coast of the Greek island of Simi. Then Lovely Bozborun and keci Buku again on the Turkish coast.
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